“Single Window” Service Center State Enterprise “Single Window Center in the Field of Foreign Trade” under the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The “one-stop-shop” service center in the field of foreign trade provides a full range of services for the electronic execution and filing of applications for obtaining documents necessary for the implementation of foreign trade operations through the One-Stop-Shop Information System (SWIS) – “TULPAR SYSTEM”.
Thanks to the SWIS, it became possible to process and submit applications electronically to several departments at the same time, without duplicating paper documents. This makes it possible to effectively use the time, human and financial resources of foreign economic activity participants.
Operators of the Service Center train participants in foreign economic activity to work independently in the SWIS, provide consulting services regarding departments, permits, non-tariff regulatory measures, etc.
For reference: “single window” is a mechanism that allows interested parties to submit standardized documents through a single throughput channel in order to fulfill all requirements related to import, export and transit.
The Single Window Tool – SWIS (Single Window Information System) is a web service that allows participants in foreign economic activity to submit an electronic application to the necessary departments for export and import operations.
The objectives of the “single window”: reduce the time and cost of customs clearance; improve the quality of services offered to exporters and importers; optimize administrative barriers.
Service center for customer service SE SWC is located at:
Bishkek, st. Zhibek – Zholu 381 121 (2nd floor, window 43-44).
Tel.: +996(312) 38 02 43
Email mail: info@trade.kg
Working hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
Lunch break from 12:30 to 13:30.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed